Litter & Wildflowers

"We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us." 
-- Jo Cox, first speech to parliament

Happy Monday!  I meant to post sooner, but it's been a wild and wonderful and very busy time here.  Saturday was The Great Get Together 2019 inspired by the MP Jo Cox, who was tragically assassinated in 2016.  We started our morning with a community litterpick, part of #upstreambattle, stopping plastic and litter from getting into the sea.  

(Sidestory -- back when I had a mohawk and thus was a magnet for cops, I was in a band with a kid who hated litter so much, he felt compelled to pick it up, but had to limit how much litter he would pick up at one time because otherwise he would end up picking it up nonstop.  I can totally relate!) 

(That's me on the right with the guitar, my litter-hating friend is crouching far right.)

After the litterpick, we had lunch at Belville Community Gardens, learned how to make no-sew grocery bags out of old t-shirts, and made bicycle-powered smoothies.

I visited my raised garden bed afterward.  The beetroot is about to flower and will soon go to seed (I hope to save some seeds for sprouting next year).  I've been sprouting kale and some other goodies at home, but they are not quite ready to transplant.  Things are sprouting in the garden bed, too.  We've got 5 pea plants and a few lettuces.  Maybe some sorrel, too, but I'm not sure -- the sprouts might be weeds, it's too soon to tell. 

The wildflowers are all in bloom and loads of lovely fluffy bees were enjoying them, too.

Totally OT, I spent the night in A&E last week.  (Everyone is fine.)  A mother who walked past me in the lobby carrying her 7 year old daughter in one arm and a cardboard receptacle in the other.  Her child was vomiting violently into the receptacle while the mother walked into the waiting area and sat down.  Not a spill in sight.  That woman is a hero.

More DIY updates in my next post, I promise!  :)


  1. Love these photos! I think it is great that you are picking up litter. It bothers me, too, but my husband will follow and shame litterers. It is the only thing that riles him up like that, because he is otherwise completely conflict averse (with strangers, he'll argue with loved ones - HA!).


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