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Death and Snipers

  "Everyone I love must die!" shouted my 3 year old, wielding a butter knife.    This memory is sealed in my mind.  It was so random and funny.  What's random and not funny, is how I have unexpectedly lost so many people in the past 12 months.  I was soul deep in mourning.   But grief is weird.  It comes and goes, and it changes you.  I bought a viola.  I went back to university.  I made new friends.  I started writing music again.  I went from "someday" to "now."  My grief is on the mend, as much as grief can be mended.  I have more amusing stories and pontifications to share here soon. So.  Let me tell you about the night I escaped death.     The other night, I went to bed with the curtains not quite closed and woke up in the middle of the night and saw a red laser dot on my arm.  It was coming from a window across the street and I don't know why the neighbours were doing that, but it was a creepy AF way to wake up.  I was too tired to get up and

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